Lakshmi Green Ship Recyclers LLP is committed to creating and sustaining a vibrant, healthy, safe and caring work environment for its employees.
All employees are to be treated with respect, honesty and dignity. Behaviour and/ or situations that run contrary to such treatment will not be tolerated.
Lakshmi Green Ship Recyclers LLP recognizes that conflicts, disagreements or inappropriate behaviors will occur, and expects all employees to resolve these issues in a manner that contributes to a healthy and productive workplace.
At Lakshmi Green Ship Recyclers LLP, you have a right to fair treatment. You also have a responsibility to treat others with respect.
This policy provides an overview of the Respectful Workplace Policy, and options for dealing with workplace concerns. A set of frequently asked questions and answers is provided for your information.
Treating each other on a daily basis with respect and consideration is key to building a workplace where every employee can contribute their best.
All forms of inappropriate behavior are considered serious and are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Lakshmi Green Ship Recyclers LLP is committed to maintaining a safe, caring, healthy, and productive workplace where all City employees are treated with respect and dignity. The Q and As are meant to help you recognize behaviors that are considered appropriate and consistent with our values, and those that are not. The information will also help you understand your rights and responsibilities with respect to this policy.
Be Polite & Respectful to Others
Treat others Equitably
Open Minded to other's Idea
Under the Respectful Workplace Policy, inappropriate behavior falls into three categories: disrespectful behavior, discrimination or harassment, and damage to people or property.
Examples of unacceptable behaviors that will not be tolerated Lakshmi Green Ship Recyclers LLP at are:
Damage to People or Property
Inappropriate behaviors in this category include:
- vandalism or destruction of property; threats
- including any act, gesture or statement that gives an employee reasonable cause to believe that there is risk of injury to themselves, another person or property;
- including any statement, either verbal or written, that is reasonably interpreted by a person to be menacing or taunting in nature;
- including such things as coercion, intimidation, persecution, humiliation, bullying, ridiculing or belittling;
- violent acts
- defined as any act that causes, or may cause, physical harm or significant emotional distress to a employee or a member of the public.
Discrimination or Harassment
Discrimination or harassment means treating someone differently because they belong to a certain group. This type of behavior includes
comments or actions that:
are known, or ought to be known, to be unwelcome;
have a negative affect on work or the work environment